Generationengerechtigkeit voraus? Die Wahlprüfsteine zur Europawahl 2019

41 Parteien und politische Vereinigungen treten in Deutschland zur Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament an. Wie wollen sie dafür sorgen, dass die Politik in der Europäischen Union auch an übermorgen denkt und zukunftsorientiert ist? Wie stehen sie zu Themen wie Klima, Bildung, Wohnen oder Wahlalter? Die SRzG hat 9 von ihnen um die Beantwortung der Wahlprüfsteine gebeten.

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SRzG begrüßt den Vorstoß von Katarina Barley für ein Wahlalter ab 16 Jahren

Die Bundesministerin der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, Katarina Barley, hat im Zuge der „Fridays for Future“ Proteste eine Absenkung des Wahlalters auf 16 Jahre gefordert. So sollen mehr junge Menschen in den politischen Prozess einbezogen werden. Die Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen (SRzG) begrüßt diesen Vorstoß der Bundesjustizministerin, fordert aber noch weitere politische Maßnahmen …

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Muss der Übergang von der Jugend zum Erwachsenenalter wie ein Spaziergang am Klippenrand sein? – Post 9

The transition to adulthood can look like a cliff edge. Matt Jordan, who works on the Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry, sets out the conditions that can make all the difference – between falling and jumping in   Growing up and losing the structure and security we may take for granted as teenagers …

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Mind the gap – Post 8

Dr Avirup Gupta, a practising clinical psychiatrist in the NHS, describes his first-hand experience of observing the transition between child and adolescent and adult mental health care, and suggests some solutions to the problems this can entail.   Child and adolescent mental health services across the country face many challenges at the point where their …

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„Down“ und „out“, down under: Mentale Gesundheit von jungen Australier*innen – Post 7

Sonia Arakkal, co-founder of Australian lobby group Think Forward, explains why the youth mental health crisis in Australia is a symptom of intergenerational inequality, and what can be done about it You may have seen the Buzzfeed article describing Millennials as the burnout generation. This isn’t a simple a case of Millennial whinging. Every day …

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Warum Politiker jungen Menschen Hoffnung geben müssen – Post 6

Financial pressures are taking their toll on young people, and especially on young women, as a recent survey by the Young Women’s Trust reveals. Its Director of Communications and Campaigns, Joe Levenson, summarises the findings – and sounds the alarm bells   At a time of life traditionally characterised by youthful swagger and optimism, many …

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Zeit, dem Klippenrand ein Ende zu setzen: die Erfüllung der mentalen Bedürfnisse junger Menschen – Post 5

Young people need care services that carry on consistently through the transitions between childhood and adulthood. Kadra Abdinasir, Strategic Lead at the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC), makes the case, and welcomes recent Government initiatives in this direction The transition into adulthood can be a daunting and difficult time for most young …

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Money on your mind – Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Schulden und mentaler Gesundheit – Post 4

StepChange Debt Charity provides free debt advice online and over the telephone. Grace Brownfield works in the policy team, campaigning for changes to regulation, law and practice, to reduce the risk of problem debt and the harm it causes. Here she looks at the link between debt and mental health, especially among young people At …

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Was passiert, wenn wir nichts für die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen unternehmen? – Post 3

A growing concern about young people’s mental health prompted this question. Sophie Corlett, Director of External Relations at the mental health charity Mind, responds, and signals that much yet needs to be done     What happens if we do nothing about young people’s mental health? This question was put to us recently by a …

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Psychische Gesundheitsversorgung für Jugendliche: wachsender Bedarf, unzureichende Versorgung – Post 2

MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK. The recently published NHS Long Term Plan includes new provisions for addressing the inadequacies of mental health care for young people. Helen Hayes, Labour MP for Dulwich and West Norwood in London, explains why – while welcome – this is clearly not enough One of the most enjoyable parts of my …

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